The Salvation Army provides a vital service all year round for anyone requiring support. Each Christmas the charity provides Christmas lunches and companionship for older people living alone, food parcels to families struggling to afford a proper Christmas lunch and toys to children whose parents are unable to afford present. The charity offers support year-round help to rough sleepers with nowhere to turn, providing hot food blankets and hygiene kits, drop-in day centres with access to specialist help and by working with local authorities to seek alternatives to night shelter provision.

As a business, TSC Signs makes an annual corporation donation of food, drinks and goodies to the Burton branch of the Salvation Army, with staff helping to pack up and deliver the load. This has been an annual tradition of the business for over 7 years and we are very proud to support this fantastic charity. The pictures show our donation back in 2015 and the load that left our yard this week.

We hope that this donation brings some relief to those in need this Christmas.